By the Lake
Last week, one of my best buddies and her two children came to visit. Frank went scuba diving in the Keys and so we had the house to ourselves. Despite the news saying everything is open, not much is open. Sure you can go to the store or get take out and some of the clothes stores are open, but there isn't much to do with the children. Our neighborhood pool will not be opening this summer though many are open with restrictions. I am learning a good measure of patience. Anyway, we took the children down to the lake and tried to do our best to keep our distance. My older son chewed me out last night, but he has no clue what it is like to be with children all day who are crying they are bored. True it is better to be bored than be dead and we are honestly trying to do our best, but at the same time we can't just stay locked up all day. Today the girls are at the neighbors and are rollerskating. We have expanded our circle to extend beyond our family, but are doing so very selectively with people we know who are also being very responsible when they go out. Curious are you sticking to strickly those who live in your household or have you widen your circle? Crazy how this is still going on and sadly I don't think we are going to see an end to it anytime soon. I am thrilled though that my children will be going back to school. While I would like to continue homeschooling with them. At least two of them need resources that I just can't provide them. I hope you are having a good week. Do you have anything fun planned for the summer? We will be sticking close to home for the next couple of weeks with a few hikes planned here in the near future.
It is just a big political circus and we're being deprived of our personal freedom.
Could get even worse, if God forbid the liberals are winning more and more votes.
This is starting to look like a lot of communist countries started out, look at Venezuela, it once ranked 4th in the world and now under Socialism people suffer from starvation.
Feeling for you and your big family for keeping them all in check with these stupid rules.
Having just about a week ago finished typing our scientific manuscript of 132.696 words and a lot about virus disease, it absolutely makes no sense.
Let us all pray hard!