Happy Halloween!
Hi There! Happy Halloween! This year had to be one of the best Halloweens and that has to be because I somehow managed to not carve the pumpkins with the kids this year. I honestly hate carving pumpkins If you haven't seen the movie The Greatest Showman than you are really missing out! It is one of our favorite movies of 2017! The children love the movie so much that they choose to be the ringmaster, the trapeze artist, and the bearded lady. Roman choose to be Bob Ross who is a famous landscape artist here in the states. He taught people how to paint on public TV for many years. The kids had a blast trick or treating and boy do we have way too much candy in our house now. I think we have enough to last us for the next year. What's your favorite? I love Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!
I do like the peanut butter cups. Reese also does a full sized peanut butter and chocolate family bar as well up here, so the same taste, only bigger. I don't know how widely available that is.
A Mermaid's Crafts