My Wardrobe "Corner View"

Once upon a time lived a young lady who left for university and work each day with her hair perfectly in place, face powdered and lips covered in a some shade of pink or plum lipstick, and she wore clothes that required an iron.  She got married and along came her first, second, third, fourth, and fifth child.  Slowly but surely the hair that was perfectly in place on most days is put in a ponytail, rarely does the make-up get used except for Sundays when she goes to church, and the clothes that needed to be ironed were replaced with by yoga pants, t-shirts, and tennis shoes or sandals.  Then along comes a dinner invitation, a trip into the city, or a lunch date with a girl friend she hasn't seen in a while and the young woman returns.  Is she sad that the woman she once was is but a shadow, no because she knows that all things have a season and babies don't keep.

For more corner views visit Francesca.  


Li + Belle said…
Times are changing. Previously was a great time and I were young and wore clothing and made ​​up on my face. Today, the time is also nice, but in a different way. I am wearing different clothes than before. Thank God. :)And I haven't so much time for clothes and make-up. But I'm not angry about.
May said…
Yes, yes! Love this.
Heather said…
Funny how time changes things, isn't it? I don't have kids, but I remember spending 2 hours just getting ready to go out when I was younger. Now, in 30 mins or less, I can shower, put on makeup, fix my hair and get dressed.
Francesca said…
well said. as Kristin said, thank goodness we shift perspective with age, and care a little less about what we look outside, and more about happiness inside.
tinajo said…
I can so relate..! :-)
Unknown said…
You are right...I have changed, thanks good although have no babies...clothes have changed too...I can not imagine how I was able to wear those 80s style ;)
Menthe Blanche said…
It's good to change and don't always keep the same style of clothes. We just have to feel good as we are.
Xtremeo said…
Oh, I love what you wrote. I could have been reading about myself. :)
Unknown said…
So true! And I love that necklace!
nadine paduart said…
your shoes, despite the panther print i usually turn away from, take me by surprise, it is the light on it, i think, and the seeming realtionship to the pattern of the carpet... n♥

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