Corner View "Saturday"

The rhythm in our house does not change much on Saturdays. My husband still works. The children really don't sleep in, and so we usually go off somewhere that we can't go during the work week. However, I do make a real breakfast on Saturdays. This Saturday it was Berry Banana Smoothies and Nutella crepes. The last couple of Saturdays, we have been watching the World Cup and for that I am grateful because I have been able to get my husband to at least stay home for a couple of hours before he heads into work.

p.s. The trick to a really good smoothy is to freeze the fruit. Then you don't need to add ice. It makes it more creamy.


Lisa notes... said…
How fun that you go somewhere different on Saturdays. I love staying at home on Saturdays when I can. Doesn't happen often enough. Your smoothie looks delicious!
Isabelle said…
crepes and smoothie ... yummy !!!!
Kari said…
breakfast sounds gooood!
Don said…
I'll have another!
Dorte said…
That smoothie looks so yummi :)
nadine paduart said…
that football has effects on people! :)). good on your extended breakfast though!
;) said…
Yum yum... I'll try to have a nice breakfast like yours... May be Saturday will be better !

Have a beautiful summer
flowtops said…
I too find that Saturday is the ideal day for a smoothie. Most other days we're too busy in the morning for anything other than a healthy sandwich. In the afternoon I prepare green juices (for us adults, not for the kids, who state that they 'look just as hideous as they probably taste')

Thanks for stopping by on my blog!

PigletinFrance said…
I have a craving for smoothies! What a lovely breakfast :)
Palmer and Co said…
YUM!! And nutella crepes to top it off... Heaven!
Angie Muresan said…
Oh, that sounds so delicious! Nutella crepes are favorites in our house too, particularly on lazy mornings.
Anonymous said…
Yum...we love nutella crepes, my huibby usually woks saturday and iot does getr a bit lonely.

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