Myrtle Beach South Carolina PT 2

Still trying to figure out what to say about a place when you know it is not a place you want to return to.  The resort was extremely nice (Holiday Inn Club Resorts) and soon they will open up their second resort located across the street and on the beach.  Myrtle Beach is extremely touristy, and so is Orlando. I suppose the one point towards Myrtle Beach is that it is closer to Atlanta than Orlando. The one thing I like about the resort in Orlando is they have cottages which are like duplexes. I like walking out the door and having my car on the same level or being able to walk the dog right out the patio.  Orlando doesn't have the beach, but the resort is larger.  I don't know.  I think I will have to think about it! We left Atlanta Friday morning and arrived just a little after 4 after making a pit stop at the store for supplies.  That evening we made some burritos and then my mom took the girls swimming and to the hot tub.  Saturday morning we headed to the boardwalk.  We meandered through some shops and then we were all starving.  Sadly we struck out twice with restaurants we had chosen to eat at as they were strangely closed despite saying they were open online.  Bizarre!  Sunday morning we found our way to church, got lunch, did a bit of shopping, and then the girls enjoyed some time at the pool.  On our final day which was Monday we went to Wilmington which I posted about in a previous post.  Overall it was a good weekend.  Could we have done more?  Probably; however, I think relaxing was just what the girls needed.


Dearest Kelleyn,
Restaurants that don't update on line about not being open is a big bummer.
If places become too touristy it is a certain minus point.
Good thing for all the girls, including your Mom, to relax!

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