

Hello!  I hope 2023 is proving to be a good year so far for all of you.  I didn't mean to take this long off of blogging. I keep looking for an opportunity to go out with my big camera and take some nice photos, but the weather hasn't cooperated. The big boys left last weekend.  Winston went back to school and Harris moved to San Francisco. We had a good three weeks with Harris and Winston,  but man this mom is tired.  Cooking and cleaning up after 8 people is a lot of work. Honestly, I am so ready for winter to be over.  I am tired of the cold and the rain. Things are going well with the puppy (Oakley); however, she has been a little harder to potty train in comparison to our other puppy.  I think the weather isn't helping the matter as the girls hate taking her out.  I am hoping as she gets bigger the accidents will stop. Yesterday, I took the girls out for Chinese at PD Changs.  We invited the neighbor girls to come with us and help us celebrate Chinese New Year.  I am hoping the weather will be decent and we can do some of the local festivities around town. Well, I need to run!  I have a bunch of things I need to get done.  I hope you have a great weekend.


Dearest Kelleyn,
Congrats with your new puppy Oakley and wishing you good luck in potty training her!
Yes, looking after eight people is a lot on your hands and glad you managed.
Now back to normal routine—whatever that is.
Being three weeks together as a family is very special and no doubt that passed rapidly.
The girls seem to enjoy the Chinese food and it has a special meaning for your family.

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