Bon Voyage Miami!

Sunday morning we woke up to beautiful sunny skies, and so we ditched the hotel and drove down the Miami coast before boarding the ship. It was too cold to walk along the beach and we for sure did not see anyone walking around in bikini's; however, we were treated to some fun Art Deco architecture. The boys couldn't wait to get on the ship so we skipped walking around Miami. The boys headed straight for the ice cream machine once we checked in. They were in heaven. The Miami skyline is beautiful. I don't know why, but I always thought that Miami was on the southern tip of Florida, but it is on the east coast of Florida. I don't know why I thought that. Bon Voyage Miami! Here we go to the Bahamas!
p.s. went to the doctor today and everything is ok with the baby. In fact, the baby is measuring a few days older than previous ultrasound. It was wiggling around like crazy, so it was hard for the ultrasound tech to get a good photo!


Great news about the baby! Have a wonderful trip!
Francesca said…
I was in Miami centuries ago, and I remember the huge white beaches. So glad everything is good, are you over the "infection"?

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