A matter of time

I always knew that someday I would get that phone call where it begins with Mrs.---- this is the school nurse, and we have "insert name here". We need him to be picked up. I knew that being a mother of three boys it was just a matter of time that someone was going to need stitches or break their arm. How we managed to make it 9 1/2 years is a miracle though today was the day. I got that very phone call. So when I am not jet-setting off to some fabulous destination, I am spending my time in the doctor's office. It wasn't bad enough that I had spent an hour at the dentist this morning. Which by the way was the third time in a week and a half because my six years old would not sit still; therefore, compromising his filling and needing it to be replaced. Only to be told that I might want to bring him to a Pediodontist because he wiggles too much. Thank goodness for bribes. It was just after recess when I got the call. I rushed over to the school and drove straight to the Pediatrician. I figured if she couldn't see him she would send me in the right direction. Sure enough, we needed an x-ray. He has a double fracture. Then we were sent to an orthopedist in Atlanta. After 5 hours, we are back home.


Audra said…
Oh no! Not a broken bone! I HATE those!!!!! I hope he heals extra quick. Poor guy. :(
Company EIGHT said…
Oh I'm so sorry!! That is SO not fun. We have managed to avoid it here at our house--knock on wood!
Mel-o-drama said…
Ouch - the look on his face is so telling.
Melinda said…
Sorry he broke his arm! I am totally surprised that you haven't had any broken bones yet! We've had 3 casts and one call from the school nurse when Caroline hit her head and needed stitches.

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