Little Life Update



Happy Tuesday! Yesterday, the kids were off of school. We spent the day doing various tasks, including laundry, getting Roman's haircut, going to Target to buy Avery's friend a gift, getting lab work done (me), going to Costco to buy Halloween candy for this weekend's church Halloween party, watching New Moon with Roman, and getting Jimmy John's for lunch.  This weekend was kind of a quiet one as the girls had no races and basketball games have not started yet.  Thank goodness!  Oh, Avery and Addy made the school basketball team this week. We went for a walk Saturday and I watched Beetlejuice 1&2 with Ivy.  Sunday morning we went to church and then the girls went running with Gotta Run Kids.  Above are some photos from life as of late.  Harris moved to Austin, Texas he is working for a new company.  He and his friends went to see the SpaceX launch of their largest Space Shuttle in Brownsville.  As of late, we have had some gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, and even a comet graced us with its presence. Winston is enjoying his 3rd year at the Y and BYU is 7-0 currently in its football season.  We attended a baptism for a friend of ours.  Addy and I went on a dinner date to a new restaurant in town, and back in September I hosted a luncheon for the women of my church. We had the missionaries over for dinner and to watch the General Conference.  I need to run, as I need to pick up Roman for school.  Oh, Frank and I also voted.  Have a great week! Below are some great quotes from this fall's GC.


Dearest Kelleyn,
Lots of activities and the launch of the SpaceX was of course quite a happening to see.
Life is worthwhile living.
Also did vote on Tuesday, it was a huge turnout here locally as I had to be in line for almost half an hour...
Simpáticas fotografías, que has querido compartir.

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