Naples, Florida


Thanksgiving in Florida isn't our typical place where we celebrate Thanksgiving turned out to be much needed. After an unseasonably cold November, we were ready for some warmth and sun.  We had planned to spend the whole time in Orlando, but I had delayed booking our condo due to wondering if my husband was going to need surgery on his tendon.  It turned out that at least for now he is doing physical therapy and surgery will only re-immerge if he can't run in the future.  Wanting not to spend all our time at the park i.e Disney I thought why not book a few days along the coast.  We chose Clearwater which is very nice.  While we were there we came up with the idea to see what Naples was like since we had never been there and thus we drove the 2 hours south.  The beach is gorgeous and the town is super cute.  We had a wonderful day at the beach.


Dearest Kelleyn,
Sounds like you made the right move down south from Orlando!
There are times when this is a much needed break to soak up the sun, swim and relax.
Happy for you.

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