A Day Together

Hello! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and Holiday season. The year has ended, and as always I am mystified by how fast the year has gone by.  I am not one for setting New Year's resolutions as I know myself and they always seem to be put to the waste side by February. The one constant thing is my focus on the children and my husband.  I managed to accomplish a few things that I had wanted to get done, so that is good. Are you the goal-setting type that sets resolutions? Moving on, Winston has returned back to school.  He had a wedding to attend for a good friend in Arizona.  Harris will go back to San Francisco soon as he needs to return to work.  I am excited for the New Year.  We have some good adventures planned.  One is spending the summer in Germany.  I am going to Costa Rica in January which I am excited about as I have wanted to go there for a long time.  Well, I better get going.  My house is in shambles and I need to take my bread out of the oven, but before I go I have included photos from our ice skating outing!  The kids had a blast.  It was the first time the girls had seen their father ice skate.  He still has it and being out on the ice made him want to skate more, but sadly he just doesn't have the time.  I also want to mention we went to see the movie Boys in the Boat.  It was so good.  We had all read the book as we know the son of one of the rowers.  It is really worth going to see and supporting.  George Clooney who is the director said it is harder and harder to get funding for these types of movies as they aren't mega blockbusters, but the stories are just as equally important to tell.  If you aren't familiar with the story, it is about 8 young men who were University of Washington students who went to the Olympics in 1936 for rowing.  The Olympics was held in Berlin that year and Hitler was in power.  The story isn't about Hitler, but what the young men had to overcome.  As I said, the movie is really good.  


Buen día de actividad y de diversión. Todos se ven contentos.
Dearest Kelleyn,
Like you, we never make New Year's Resolution as indeed they fall to the wayside!
Look at myself, wanting to go more frequently biking with Pieter together and then I got hit by a car...
You indeed captured the family having a blast on the ice.
Pieter did skate and even his Dad when he was in his early 70s.
It is fun—if you have ice + TIME!
I've done some skating, not much as being the eldest I had to help Mom.
Wishing you a peaceful New Year's Eve and a Happy New Year!
Just dropped by to say hello and thank you for your visit to my blog, come again anytime and I will be back here
Vengo a desearte, mucha felicidad, en este año próximo.

Feliz Año Nuevo.

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