A Stroll Through Madrid

Most of my trip to Spain this time around was spent in Toledo, but following the wedding and prior to traveling back home I had a day to spend in Madrid.  I wanted to spend the time seeing what I hadn't on the previous trip hence the visit to the museum (see earlier post).  I started out with a really ambitious list of things to see and do, but as the day unfolded it was clear that I wasn't going to be able to do all that was on my list which actually turned out perfect.  To be honest, I was tired.  Having danced into the wee hours of the night and not being able to get my bum out of bed to catch the earliest train into the city, I arrived in Madrid not till almost noon.  I quickly checked my luggage into a locker and proceeded to the museum after grabbing a bite to eat.  As I mentioned in the post about the museum, the museum is at least a half day activity.  100 rooms! I had intended to find my way back to the Churro cafe that I had visited on my previous trip, but it seemed no longer that important. I wanted to just soak up the city without rushing to find the right metro station and finding my way back. I settled on a violet flavored ice cream which was absolutely lovely and a walk through the Real Jardin Botanical Garden.  I finished my day sitting in a cafe eating a lovely Quinoa Salad for dinner and had a very amusing time watching people.  The funniest thing I saw was a group of men who were clearly having a stag party (bachelor party) where the groom was dressed in pink tights, black flats, a pink tutu, with a crown and pink pig ears.  Simply too funny

Darling little bottle of Olive Oil served with my salad


Pamela Parizo said…
I love that last picture. That hacienda architecture is evident all over Southern California and it's one of the things I miss most. Maybe it's the rich, red tiles and large arches, and semi-classical details. Beautiful.
NatureFootstep said…
never visited Madrid. To bad maybe. :)
ak_ut said…
beautiful pics !!! happy weekend :-)

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